I think that we, as a society, CAN do forgiveness like this. But we must also do repentance like this. Not to go all religious on you (it is kind of my jam), but it works even if you're not religious. People don't need to just apologize. They need to repent. Repentance is about being willing to change one's life, to do better in the future. I think when we see "apologies" in TL what we're really seeing is true repentance. These people want forgiveness, sure, but they also want to do better. They don't expect forgiveness. No one should. But they receive it and I'll tell you what, as someone who's had to repent and be forgiven more than once in my life, it fills you with gratitude in a way that nothing else does.

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You mean, "I'm sorry you feel that way?" doesn't count? :-)

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See also "If I offended you, I apologize."

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A lesson I had to learn the hard way. LOL

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