So much good advice from Edward who is a fountain of information. I am very late to the game, but much can be learned from all the super hero shows now playing such as The Umbrella Academy, Doom Patrol, and the Boys. Time to dive and and see what direction you took.

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I would love to show run How to Succeed in Evil. One of my favourite tv techniques that literature does less is the "12 hours earlier" trope wherein you start with "how did this go so wrong" and catastrophe and in medies res sort of thing and then rewind to show what happened and all the connected threads that led to the doomsday.

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I see the key to Edwin Windsor is that he expressly does not have any mutant superpowers. He is essentially ambivalent about good and evil. He desires that the people he encounters to seek their goals efficiently. He is willing to act for for clients only so far as that client acts as he has stipulated.

I would suggest that Edwin encounter someone like the Irene Adler character in "A Scandal in Bohemia". This character must have no mutant superpowers either. Edwin needs to attempt multiple times to manipulate the character to his ends yet fail in small ways to achieve the complete success he plans for. Of course Edwin succeeds in his overall strategy but the character comes to know and comprehend his intentions then avoids any further entanglements with Edwin.

If you can pull this off then I believe it could make Edwin appear more relatable.

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Quick! Slap an Audible “Associate” link on that Sherlock by Stephen Frye”

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