I heard a song over the weekend that reminded me about this podcast again:

Hello Take Me Anywhere by Night Shop - https://youtu.be/udNpCe60M-0

It has a few lines that are essentially about humility and I really love the way he says it:

Everybody’s fighting off irrelevance. As if we won’t all become irrelevant.

He’s like a dinosaur sweating making arguments. He’s saying “I rest my case.” Then the asteroid hits.

As if your prominence was permanently earned. And when I listened to you there was nothing to be learned.

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Hi again, whenever I think of humility I imagine Douglas Adams and the Total Perspective Vortex. It's a devious machine which shows you the entire universe and then your minute miniscule place within it. It causes soul wrenching screams from all who get tortured within it. But it's at the same time a necessary device if you can survive it.

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