Your mind has fascinating schema, meant in the Jungian sense - let yourself shine

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I'm involved with a 30 minute monthly astronomy show, and we've got a new theme. I've just discovered what i don't like about it. It's an ear worm. That's because it's a super simple melody, and not too much else. Your tune sounds maybe vaguely Spanish, but while one might imagine a singer with lyrics, it wouldn't have a melody doubled by the instrument(s). When i have an ear worm stuck in my head, it's generally because i don't know all of the words. Where does that leave you if your ear worm doesn't have any words? What i do is replace it with an ear worm i know. I do that by bringing it up, and going through at least a verse - if not the entire piece. Once i'm done with that, both ear worms are gone. Gone gone. My go-to ear worm for this is "Three Hour Tour" - the Giligan's Island theme. Sorry if you have to look it up and memorize a verse or the entire piece. Three Hour Tour does that to people with just the title. With great power comes great responsibility. Oh wait, that's another ear worm.

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